Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Activities and the 3 E's

Lab Activity Number 5

1. http://quizhub.com/quiz/f-vocabulary.cfm This website proves to be very effective and efficient for students study English. It provides quizes and games for students to test there knowldege of key terms and concepts. Also, becuase it is presented as a game, it allows students to retain the information and learn it quickly.

2. http://highschoolace.com/ace/ace.cfm This website provides a ton of information regarding the various subject areas of a high school student including study guides for Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, English, Foriegn Languages, Math, Physics, U.S History, and World History. Additionaly, within each subject, there are activities, resources, and practice quizes. I found the resources in the English section(http://highschoolace.com/ace/english.cfm) to be effective and enhancing. It is effective because it complies great resources all on the same place for easy access to students. Also, it enhances learning becuase it provides information that students might have otherwise not had the opportunity to view.

3.http://www.lessonplanspage.com/LADontSayUhGame69.htm This particular activity from HotChalk.com creates the "Don't Say Uh Game." This activity requires students to speek for 30 seconds to a minute about a random topic without saying "uh." This will aid students in speaking skills and make them more consicous of using their vocabulary. I would classify this activity as being very effective because it will make students aware of their speech mistakes in a fun way.

Helpful Websites

Three websites that I have found to be helpful are:




On Sites for Teachers, this link is helpful because it provides alternate links to more useful websites such as songs, free resources and lesson templates. Teachersnetwork.org is a useful website for teachers because it supply's a lot of basic information.  For example, it discusses how to join a professional organization, it provides an online "teacher store" and also has a link to guided lesson plans.  Rubistar could be helpful in the future because it allows teachers to custom design rubrics for assessment as well as find sample rubrics already made.